The sale of military equipment, military equipment and specialised materials declared surplus for defence purposes is carried out by the Hungarian Defence Export Agency on behalf of the Ministry of Defence.
Calls for sales and the results of the sales procedures are published on this website and on the website of the Ministry of Defence.
The purchase of equipment classified as military technology requires the activity licence for the ML ... chapter for the equipment in question in accordance with Act CIX of 2005 on the Licensing of the Provision of Military Technology Services and Government Decree 156/2017 (16.VI.) on the Detailed Rules for the Licensing of Military Technology Activities and the Certification of Enterprises.
Exclusion criteria for the sale of incursions are set out in Article 9 of Government Decree 62/2022 (28.II.) on the sale of military equipment, military equipment and specialised material declared surplus for defence purposes.
The materials of the current sales procedures can be viewed under "Tenders".
The results of the procedures can be found under the menu item 'Results'.